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Extended Care Information

Extended Care Fee Breakdown

Morning Extended Care

Registration Fee: $10.00, per student (due when application is submitted)

Monthly Fee: $40.00, per student, per month 

Hours: 6:30am to 8:00am

Afternoon Extended Care

Registration Fee: $10.00, per student (due when application is submitted)

Monthly Fee: $50.00, per student, per month

Hours: 3:00pm to 6:00pm

Other Information

Attendance - If a student arrives anytime before 8:00am, or is picked up after 3:30pm, any day within the month, they are billed for the entire month. Extended Care is not prorated by the day.

Late Pick-Up Fee - $10.00 per student, per 10 minute increments. Fee is due at the time of pick-up. Unpaid late fees will result in a delinquent account and removal from the Extended Care program. Outstanding balances will also result in the student’s records being held.

Late Payment Fee - Extended Care is due on the 1st of every month. A late payment fee of $15.00 per student, (after the 3rd of each month) will be billed for all late payments. Unpaid late fees will result in a delinquent account and removal from the Extended Care program. Outstanding balances will also result in the student’s records being held.

Pick-Up/Drop Off - A legal parent or authorized person must pick-up/drop off their student into Extended Care. Any and all persons picking up a student MUST be on the student’s authorized pick-up list, NO EXCEPTIONS. Siblings under 18 are not allowed to pick up students. Once a student is checked out of Extended Care, they are not allowed to return later.

Please Note

Parents must submit an Extended Care Application every school year, using our online system. Click here to submit an Extended Care Application for the 2024-2025 School Year. (CLICK HERE)

Afterschool Care (KHA Grant)

As of 03/15/2024 - All after-school care scholarship spots have been filled for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. If you would still like your student to attend our extended care program as a self-pay student, please click the link above and complete the online application.

For the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, Cornerstone is expected to receive funding to provide after-school care scholarships for up to 50 students, with funding from the Kids Hope Alliance. Scholarship spots will be given to the first 50 students that have signed up for after-school care. 

Students that receive the afterschool care scholarship will be required to complete the following, or they will lose their scholarship.
* - Attend regularly and cannot come and go throughout the school year; 
* - May only miss a total of 15 days of afterschool care all school year; 
* - Must attend the afterschool care program, at minimum, from 3:00pm to 4:45pm, each day. 

Grades: Kindergarten thru 12th Grade

Cost: Free

Hours: 3:00pm to 6:00pm


Cornerstone Christian School's Afterschool Care Program is a proud partner of the Kids Hope Alliance